TRUTH: We are the products of our habits; of both the good and bad. If we have more good habits than bad ones, we are better posed for success. Ultimately, we are what we do repeatedly. With that understanding and for a more successful fit and healthy life, we need to make sure we embrace and repeat, positive healthy habits. Positive healthy-based repetitions are strong indicators of a commitment to a better life.
CHALLENGE: As UF members, I would like to see all of us commit to embracing and exhibiting healthy habits. The return on this commitment is not only for us as individuals, but also to help each member and the many other lives with whom we interact. I propose the following Healthy Habit Initiative:
The Two Minute Habit:
Find something that you know you need to do to live a better, healthier life. This habit should not be strenuous or unyielding, though it should be something that you are not currently doing. Once you’ve selected your habit, you must commit to doing this habit for 2 minutes a day for the next 90 days. Examples could be 2 minutes of meditation, push ups, planks, etc…It could also just be 2 of anything. Perhaps 2 servings of vegetables, or 2 of anything that would represent a healthy lifestyle for you. This habit is for your personal good and therefore it should be unique to you. You will have one week to choose your habit and submit to me via e-mail by Sunday 3/24.
The Buy In:
Every member who opts to buy into the initiative must submit $10 participation fee as evident of their commitment. There is an additional $10 fee for every time you “break the chain”. You break the chain when you fail to comply with the directions to practice the Two Minute Habit daily.
The initiative begins Monday, 3/25 and will run until 6/16/2019.
Who will join me? My commitment is to eat two servings of raw green leafy vegetables per day. Let’s do this! Questions? Send me a message here
TRUTH: We are the products of our habits; of both the good and bad. If we have more good habits than bad ones, we are better posed for success. Ultimately, we are what we do repeatedly. With that understanding and for a more successful fit and healthy life, we need to make sure we embrace and repeat, positive healthy habits. Positive healthy-based repetitions are strong indicators of a commitment to a better life.
CHALLENGE: As UF members, I would like to see all of us commit to embracing and exhibiting healthy habits. The return on this commitment is not only for us as individuals, but also to help each member and the many other lives with whom we interact. I propose the following Healthy Habit Initiative:
The Two Minute Habit:
Find something that you know you need to do to live a better, healthier life. This habit should not be strenuous or unyielding, though it should be something that you are not currently doing. Once you’ve selected your habit, you must commit to doing this habit for 2 minutes a day for the next 90 days. Examples could be 2 minutes of meditation, push ups, planks, etc…It could also just be 2 of anything. Perhaps 2 servings of vegetables, or 2 of anything that would represent a healthy lifestyle for you. This habit is for your personal good and therefore it should be unique to you. You will have one week to choose your habit and submit to me via e-mail by Sunday 3/24.
The Buy In:
Every member who opts to buy into the initiative must submit $10 participation fee as evident of their commitment. There is an additional $10 fee for every time you “break the chain”. You break the chain when you fail to comply with the directions to practice the Two Minute Habit daily.
The initiative begins Monday, 3/25 and will run until 6/16/2019.
Who will join me? My commitment is to eat two servings of raw green leafy vegetables per day. Let’s do this! Questions? Send me a message here